Monday, November 07, 2011

Another round of great reviews for "Carnival Arcane"

Check out this set of great reviews straight from the Lancaster-Rigby press department.

Outburn Magazine (Issue #61) - "...evocative, somber, and moving in tone, setting up a wide sweeping level of atmosphere that sounds so massive that the band's in-demand status totally makes sense - 8 out of 10."

Terry Wickham MantaRay Reviews - "...the richest sound design the band has created so far. Another fun-filled adventure...."

Best Horror - "Midnight Syndicate is always a great choice for creepy music that is unique and original, and Carnival Arcane not only continues on that vein but takes it a bit further by successfully making the joyful frightening, the familiar uneasy."

Side-Line (Belgium) - "There’s no better band to play when approaching Halloween."